B.) What was happening before this photograph was taken? Before this photograph was taken, I can educationally guess that boats were just passing underneath the bridge.
C.) What happened after the photograph was taken? After the photograph was taken, the boats successfully passed underneath the bridge. Also, many more boats came shortly after, following the same routine.
D.) What were the people feeling and thinking at this time? I would guess that the people we’re very multifaceted with feelings during this time. Some may have been nervous going underneath a bridge; others may have been excited to see what it would be like.
E.) Why was this photograph taken? This photo was taken because it was such a beautiful sight seeing.
F.) What title would you give this photograph? I’d title this photograph, “The Chicago Bridge.” I’d title the photo that because it is a picture of the Chicago Bridge. That was just the first name that came into mind.
Part II
A.) Is this photo telling the truth? I would say yes. This photo is telling the truth because it’s a legitimate picture that had no editing and whatnot. It’s just a picture that is very well taken and shows the insightfulness of the Chicago Bridge.
B.) Is this photo telling the full story? Yes this photo is telling the full story. It shows a boat quietly passing through a river, about to go under a large bridge. There is nothing hidden in this picture, nor is there a hidden meaning to the picture.
C.) Is this photo manipulating or limiting the true story of someone’s life or and event? No, this photo does not try to hide a passed event of someone’s life, nor is it limiting or manipulating a true story about someone’s life.
D.) Can a single two-dimensional image communicate an entire story? In many photos yes, but I think in this photograph not really. It doesn’t really tell a story. Just a quiet environment, with beautiful scenery.
E.) What are the limitations to a photograph? There are no limitations to a photograph. Whatever you see, you can capture.
F.) Why did misunderstandings occur while viewing this photograph? Misunderstandings occurred because the person viewing the photograph was not there when the photograph was taken. Considering the fact I was there when the photograph was taken, I know the entire story behind the photo.
G.) How do photographs distort reality? Photographs distort reality because the photographs are taken of real things. Photographs can capture anything in reality. A photograph is an image of anything in the outside world. It could be a photo of your family, friends, school, the environment, cars, sports and everything else in the world.
H.) (The picture is posted on page one of this essay)
I.) Paragraph… In this photo, a somewhat large boat, small compared to the Chicago Bridge, is quietly passing along the river. The boat is soon to go underneath the Chicago Bridge. The environment is very peaceful and the atmosphere is amazing. Before this photo was taken, other boats passed along the river. It seemed like a routine that happened every several of minutes. This picture was taken of the Chicago Bridge on Michigan Ave, on January 14th, 2006. If I could title this picture, I’d title it, “The Chicago Bridge.”
1 comment:
thanks for the help this is a great exaplem
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